Telepsychiatry in Action: Meet our Clinical Hiring Team

Telepsychiatry in Action: Meet our Clinical Hiring Team

At Iris, we’re proud to offer a top-notch experience for our clinicians and partners by helping ensure excellent, long-term provider matches. This process, called The Iris Match, helps clinicians find an organization that aligns with their values and needs and enables our partners to secure a provider their patients and providers will love. 

Leading this effort is our incredible clinical hiring team. In this blog, we’re excited to share more about this team’s mission, their approach to hiring behavioral health providers, and how they go above and beyond to help ensure our providers are set up for success. 

The mission of the clinical hiring team 

The clinical hiring team comprises Clinical Hiring Managers (CHMs), Clinical Talent Consultants (CTCs), and Clinical Recruitment Coordinators (CRCs). This team revolves around collaboration, starting with the CRCs, who process provider applications through interviews with the CTCs and placements with the CHMs. 

On the organizational side, this team talks with partner groups to learn about their culture, patient population, and all the soft and hard skills providers will need to succeed. From start to finish, everyone is laser-focused on longitudinal matches with quality providers.

Life in clinical hiring is different each day. Whether they’re talking with providers and potential partners or attending meet and greets between the two, they’re invigorated by finding the best matches for each party. 

When zooming out, what sets this team apart is the dedication to their mission. The clinical hiring team is keenly aware of what patients must endure when there are gaps in coverage. That’s why they ensure they’re not just filling a role but making a mindful, high-quality, long-term match. This mission helps organizations with provider retention amid a shortage of behavioral health providers. 

So, what does our clinical hiring team look for when finding that perfect match? Let’s take a closer look.

What makes an excellent Iris provider

At Iris, we pride ourselves on working with the best of the best providers. While so many healthcare organizations need excellent providers, there are a few key components that we’ve found in making quality, long-term matches

In community mental health, an excellent provider understands the patient population, the complexities of delivering care to that population, and the demand it can have on them. We’re proud to give voice to the voiceless, and it requires a provider with compassion, understanding, and someone free from judgment.

Additionally, continuity of care is a significant focus for our organization, and we look for that shared value in our providers, too. Resilience is another tool we look for in our providers. By having something in place to help them avoid compassion fatigue and the secondary trauma that comes with these roles is essential.

For our providers, we help ensure they have the operational support they need in their daily work. For example, our Clinical Operation Managers (COMs) help ensure our providers have things like administrative and operational hurdles taken care of so they can focus on patient care. 

To learn more about our Clinical Operation Managers, check out their spotlight here

Providers also benefit from our mindful matches. At Iris, we don’t take a plug-and-play approach. Instead, we consider many components of the job to help ensure it matches what our providers want. For instance, we look at the community where they’ll be placed, ask if they’re comfortable seeing a particular patient population, and make sure their skill set is a match for the organization

The matchmaking process 

To help assist with making the best long-term match possible, there are a few considerations our clinical hiring team must learn about the providers. For example, do they have a specific prescribing or therapeutic approach they adhere to? Is there a specific population they want to work with? This team also assesses things like personality and communication style to ensure they’d be a good fit for our partners. 

From our partners, we might ask them any of the following questions:

  • What are you looking for in a clinician? 
  • Do you need someone who is more independent or who wants to be a part of the team? 
  • Do you need someone with specific soft skills? 
  • What kind of support do you have on the ground? 

As part of our rigorous vetting process, the clinical hiring team also does multiple interviews with the providers. This thorough process helps ensure that we’re not just filling slots, but making intentional matches. 

When working to make a match, the clinical hiring team asks themselves, “Would I trust someone I love with this provider?” And if the answer is no, then they may not be the best fit. 

Learn more about the support Team Iris provides

If you’d like to learn how our clinical hiring team can help your organization find the best provider fit for your population, contact us today

Additionally, if you’d like to learn more about the other pillars of support our teams provide, check out our other spotlights here:

At Iris, we’re proud to provide quality support to all our partners so they can help their patient population get the quality behavioral health care they need. 

We want to hear from you. Seriously.

Whether you are a health organization looking to expand your telepsychiatry services or a prospective clinician who wants to join the team, we’d love to talk!