
Why You Should Care About Provider Fit

Why You Should Care About Provider Fit

At Iris Telehealth, we know first-hand how critical good provider fit is to not only maintaining providers long-term, but quality of care and patient satisfaction as well. But, there’s more to finding the right fit than just finding a provider who meets your organization’s qualifications on paper. That’s why we put together this infographic to help organizations ensure they’re finding the right providers for their team and for their patients. Check it out to learn more about the pitfalls of bad provider fit and what your organization should be looking for as you vet your behavioral health providers.

The benefits of good provider fit

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Iris Telehealth partner organization all benefit from what we call “The Iris Match.” The Iris Match is our promise to you that we will ensure your Iris provider will meet your organization’s needs, culture, and values. We guarantee that by the end of our match process, you’ll have a provider who will not only fill your care gaps, but who your care team and your patients will love. If you’re interested in learning more about partnering with Iris, contact us today and we’ll get the conversation started.

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