
How Virtual Care Can Enable a Better Approach to Inpatient Psychiatric Care

How Virtual Care Can Enable a Better Approach to Inpatient Psychiatric Care

In this Iris webinar led by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Tom Milam, clinical leaders at Roanoke, Va.-based Carilion Clinic and Cooperstown, N.Y.-based Bassett Healthcare Network — as well as some Iris Telehealth psychiatrists delivering inpatient services at our partner health systems — shared their experiences delivering virtual care in inpatient psychiatry units, challenge the idea that inpatient care always needs to be in person, and discuss the benefits, challenges, and possibilities of integrating virtual care into inpatient psychiatry units.

To learn more about Iris Telehealth’s approach to optimizing and supporting behavioral health services for inpatient psych units, check out our services page and our downloadable on how our Scheduled Services benefit inpatient care. If you’d like to speak with someone directly, you can contact us here.

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