
How Two Health Systems Transformed Their Approach to Behavioral Health Care 

How Two Health Systems Transformed Their Approach to Behavioral Health Care 

Leaders from Texas Health Resources and Elliot Health Systems came together to share how their organizations are leveraging virtual care to transform their approach to behavioral health and better serve their communities.  

Led by Iris Telehealth CEO, Andrew Flanagan, this conversation covers how these organizations are delivering and integrating behavioral health services both internally and in their broader community.  

We are sending a special thank you to Dr. Holly Mintz, Chief Medical Officer, Ambulatory Care Services at Elliot Health System and Kathi Cox, Chief Operating Officer, Ambulatory and Virtual Channel at Texas Health Resources for sharing their expertise and insights into how their organizations are delivering behavioral health care.  

To learn more about Iris Telehealth’s approach to delivering behavioral health care to hospitals and health systems, view our services page. Or, if you’d like to speak with someone directly, feel free to contact us here.  

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