
How to Achieve Behavioral Health Quality Measures Through Telehealth Support

How to Achieve Behavioral Health Quality Measures Through Telehealth Support

As a CCBHC, your organization serves as an invaluable resource for those facing behavioral health challenges in your community. At the same time, you’re held to rigorous behavioral health quality measures and required to meet a high influx of patient needs each day. While serving your community is rewarding, you don’t have to juggle it all on your own.

In this piece, we cover how supplementing staffing with a telehealth solution can help your organization meet mental health quality measures and benefit from medical group leadership and evidence-based best practices.


Download our guide on how telehealth can help your organization meet CCBHC quality measures


If you’d like to learn more about how Iris Telehealth can help connect you with quality behavioral health providers to help support the mental health needs in your community, contact us today.

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