
6 Ways to Help Patients Become More Comfortable with Telepsych

6 Ways to Help Patients Become More Comfortable with Telepsych

While most patients will be comfortable utilizing virtual care platforms, some may be hesitant to fully open up to a provider delivering care through a screen. That’s why we’ve created this checklist to help your organization and your providers ensure patients are confident and comfortable receiving care through telepsychiatry.

We hope this checklist helps your patients and providers create an authentic connection in a virtual environment.

Click to download our free checklist to make patients more comfortable with telepsych

By incorporating these tips, your providers will be set up for successful patient sessions that will make patients more comfortable with any virtual communications.

If you’re interested in learning more about how your organization can partner with Iris Telehealth to build out an effective, long-term telepsychiatry program that will increase patient and provider satisfaction, contact us today.

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