
A Healthcare Organization’s Guide to Provider Matching

A Healthcare Organization’s Guide to Provider Matching

As a healthcare organization, finding a provider who can help meet the needs of your population and seamlessly integrate into your team’s workflow and culture is essential. But, how do you find that perfect provider match?

That’s where provider matching comes in. By working with an organization that delivers provider matching services, you can find a clinician who meets your organization’s needs and aligns with your team’s culture and values. When the right match is secured, you’ll have a provider who fills your care gaps and who your care team and patients love.
Check out this guide to learn all about the Iris Match, how provider matching works, and what makes a great provider for your population.

Download our healthcare organization's guide to provider matching


At Iris, we are with you every step of the way. Together, we can help you achieve the best team fit, the right provider to help with your population’s needs, and high-quality patient care. Contact us today to learn how Iris can help you secure your forever match.

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