Black Lives Matter | Here’s How You Can Support

Black Lives Matter | Here’s How You Can Support

This blog is solely dedicated to BLM and the support and actions we all can take to help end the injustice. The black box image is in reference to last Tuesday’s #blackouttuesday social media movement. You can learn more about it here.

The inequality issue in our world is not new, has gone on for way too long, and needs to be reformed now. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor were innocent individuals murdered by police officers because of their skin color.

2020 must be the year we become honest with ourselves, acknowledge systemic racism, vote locally and nationally, and implement changes toward justice. Enough is enough. Black Lives Matter.

We admit – we don’t have all the answers. However, we have provided resources below for individuals to educate themselves and donate to this cause. We will also continue to process, listen, and work to do our part to end this injustice.

Systemic Racism Explained

Places to Donate

Color of Change

Black Visions Collective

(scroll down to the bottom to donate)

George Floyd Memorial Fund

Campaign Zero

LGBTQ | Freedom Fund

Minnesota Freedom Fund

They are no longer taking donations, as they’ve received enough resources now, however; they mention other great organizations:

No Money? No Problem.

Zoe Amira | Views For A Vision

Watch this video and let the ads run. 100% of the revenue collected from the ads is donated to various organizations in support of BLM. Please be sure to read the pinned comment and the beginning of the clip, to learn how you must engage with the video for the ads to monetize:

Petitions To Sign

Visit the below websites to sign the latest petitions.

Justice for George Floyd

Justice for Breonna Taylor

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

The Action PAC

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

Justice for Big Floyd

Stand With Bre

Please keep in mind this is an example list. There are plenty of other petitions to sign and research about. The two above organizations are great for periodically checking new actions to take.

Support Businesses

Black Owned Businesses in Austin

Austin Monthly Article

Small Businesses Everywhere

Instagram Post of List

Actions to Take

Campaigns and other actions you can take. 


Campaign Zero – contact your mayor or sheriff to implement 8 polices that can significantly decrease police violence.

Take Your City Budget Survey

Austin, TX Survey

Send An Email To Your District Representative

Send An Email to Your City Council Members

Email Template For Austin, TX made by Afterglow 

Register To Vote!

Mental Health Resources

All resources received from Ethel’s Club Social Media Post

  • Dive in Well
  • Sista Afya
  • Therapy for Black Girls
  • Healhaus
  • Inclusive Therapists
  • Ethel’s Club
  • The Nap Ministry
  • National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network
  • Harriet’s Apothecary
  • The Unplug Collective
  • BEAM Collective
  • Black Girl in Om

View the rest of the post here: Mental Health Resources


Listen, learn, and educate.


  • Explained: The Racial Wealth Gap
  • Time: The Kalief Browder Story
  • When They See Us
  • 13th


  • The End of Policing | Alex S. Vitale (Ebook is free now on versobooks)
  • White Fragility | Robin Diangelo
  • The Fire Next Time | James Baldwin
  • How To Be An Antiracist | Ibrahim X. Kendi
  • Black Feminist Thought | Patricia Hill Collins
  • Sister Outsider | Audre Lorde


  • Color of Change
  • Antiracist Research and Policy Center
  • United We Dream


Engage with diverse individuals and listen with an open mind. Have the tough conversations, and spread the knowledge.

We hope 2020 becomes the year that significant change is made. Neutrality is not enough. Please join us in this fight for a fair and equal world.

We want to hear from you. Seriously.

Whether you are a health organization looking to expand your telepsychiatry services or a prospective clinician who wants to join the team, we’d love to talk!